সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান


If you are wanting to make a robot you will want to make an obstacles avoiding robot. In my blog, Today I will show how to make an obstacles avoiding robot.

Step 1:
At first collect these things:
1. Arduino UNO R3
2. SG90 Micro Servo
3. HC-SR04 sonar sensor
4. 2x gear motors
5. 4x AA battery case with battery
6. Plastic Box
7. L293D motor driver shield
8. 2x wheels
9. Rotary wheel
10. Push switch
11. Arduino software with code

You can buy these from ebay.

Step 2:
Make ready the box. Or you can try this chasis.

Step 3:
Set the shield over arduino like this picture.
Then, connect all the parts with shield like this diagram.

Step 4:
Set the cicuit on the chasis or box as you like.
You can use male to male jumper wires to connect sonar sensor with arduino.

Step 5:
Coding the arduino.I will upload this stage in my next blog.
Best Luck. If any problem please comment without any hesitation. 
